Mothers indiscretions 4 - When Mothers Blame Others for their own Disgraceful Behavior

Indiscretions 4 mothers Knowledge and

Knowledge and Behavior of Mothers about Antibiotic Use in Children Under Six Years Old With Upper Respiratory Tract Infections

Indiscretions 4 mothers Knowledge and

Indiscretions 4 mothers Our Mother's

Knowledge and Behavior of Mothers about Antibiotic Use in Children Under Six Years Old With Upper Respiratory Tract Infections

Indiscretions 4 mothers Our Mother's

Knowledge and Behavior of Mothers about Antibiotic Use in Children Under Six Years Old With Upper Respiratory Tract Infections

Indiscretions 4 mothers When Mothers

Indiscretions 4 mothers Knowledge and

Indiscretions 4 mothers Our Mother's

Indiscretions 4 mothers Knowledge and

Indiscretions 4 mothers When Mothers

Indiscretions 4 mothers Knowledge and

Knowledge and Behavior of Mothers about Antibiotic Use in Children Under Six Years Old With Upper Respiratory Tract Infections

This is the cycle of abuse.

  • A researcher-made questionnaire was used as the tool for the measurement of the demographic data and knowledge and practices of parents related to antibiotics use in upper respiratory tract infections.

  • I felt inadequate and always having to prove myself, my worth , by doing more , being more, saving and rescuing more.

Antibacterial prescribing in primary care.

  • What matter does it make to correctly assign blame when something goes wrong? Average scores of knowledge and practice were 8.

  • Unreasonable treatment with antibiotics may lead to the development of bacterial resistance and at the same time limited access to antibiotics may cause death.