Caroline key johnson - Diary of Lust (2000), Susan Featherly drama movie

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Diary of Lust (2000), Susan Featherly drama movie

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Key johnson caroline Diary of

The ghost children warn her that even if Coraline succeeds, the Beldam will not let her go, so Coraline tricks the Other Mother by announcing that she knows where her parents are hidden: in the passageway between the dimensions.

  • He moves freely from one world to the other, although he appears to be capable of talking in the Other World.

  • During the course of the novel, she grows taller, thinner, and paler, looking less and less like Coraline's mother.

They tell Coraline how the Other Mother eventually grew bored with them, leaving them to die and cast them aside, but they are trapped there because she has kept their souls.

  • If she fails, she will finally accept the Beldam's offer.

  • She collects children, whom she loves possessively to the point of eventual destruction, taking their souls so they cannot leave her world and caring for them until they pass away, but wanting to feel their happiness and joy afterwards.