Jack o guilty gear pose - Modified Proportions for Jack

O gear jack pose guilty Modified Proportions

O gear jack pose guilty Guilty Gear

Modified Proportions for Jack

O gear jack pose guilty Modified Proportions

O gear jack pose guilty GGXRD

O gear jack pose guilty Modified Proportions

O gear jack pose guilty Guilty Gear

O gear jack pose guilty Artists Are

Guilty Gear Jack O

O gear jack pose guilty Guilty Gear

O gear jack pose guilty Jack O

O gear jack pose guilty Guilty Gear

Up to a maximum of 2 of the respective Servant can be on the field.

  • H, which would otherwise defeat Attack Command 214K or Jack-O's 6P.

  • When thrown or launched at the enemy they become unbreakable projectiles, pinning the opponent down immediately.

On block, it's usually safe-ish because of the distance away from the opponent you'll be doing it from.

  • The story mode of Guilty Gear Xrd -Revelator- is now available on YouTube.

  • Your business website represents your brand.

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