Jean luc b - Nancy, Jean

B jean luc Jean

B jean luc Nancy, Jean

B jean luc Jean

B jean luc Breathless (1960)

B jean luc Breathless (1960)

Nancy, Jean

B jean luc Jean

Jean Luc B.

B jean luc Jean Luc

Jean Luc

B jean luc Jean Luc

B jean luc Jean

B jean luc Jean Luc

Becoming-worldwide is in a radical way being exposed to sense, to the world as such.

  • To Nancy, Heidegger is the philosopher who handles this question in a quite ambiguous way and that makes him controversial, still today.

  • That, in a nutshell, is what he had already said in The Title of the Letter: Nancy argues that Lacan questions the metaphysical subject, but does this in a metaphysical way.