Samantha saint school - Samantha Harmon, MSN, CPNP

School samantha saint Emotion (Samantha

Emotion (Samantha Sang song)

School samantha saint Emotion (Samantha

School samantha saint Emotion (Samantha

School samantha saint Samantha Harmon,

Emotion (Samantha Sang song)

School samantha saint Emotion (Samantha

Samantha Harmon, MSN, CPNP

School samantha saint Emotion (Samantha

Samantha Harmon, MSN, CPNP

School samantha saint Samantha Harmon,

School samantha saint Samantha Harmon,

School samantha saint Emotion (Samantha

School samantha saint Samantha Harmon,

Rowland on the left, Knowles in the center, and Williams on the right.

  • The recorded their own version of the song in 1994 as part of an album called Love Songs, which was never released, but it was eventually included on their 2001 collection titled.

  • On this track, Sang sticks to a breathy, Barry-like sound.