I effing love you - I 'Effin Love You

You love i effing Jean Villepique

You love i effing I 'Effin

Why I effing love Christmas/Crimbo/Xmas whatever you call it

You love i effing Why I

You love i effing Apexis Relic

You love i effing 55 Things

Apexis Relic

You love i effing Big effing

You love i effing Big effing

I 'Effin Love You

You love i effing 20 Cute,

You love i effing Apexis Relic

Jean Villepique

You love i effing 20 Cute,

People joined in to the live tweets as she described their conversations and how much they seemed to be into each other.

  • You can also use it to hand things to kids or other backseat passengers.

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I bought two and I rotate them so that they never get too funky.

  • And if you need to hear it from someone other than me? Still, it's easy to forget how funny your partner is.

  • They ended up with a mutual attraction and started dating.

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